February 10, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This post is in relation to something that has been floating around Facebook now for a few weeks and I have unfortunately been tagged which means that I am supposed to list 25 random things about myself. I have decided to follow suit of my good friend SC over at From The Desk of Sara and complete this task here on my blog. Here are the rules:

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. My middle name is Anne....not Lee Anne Anne, but Lee is my first name and Anne is my middle name but I am known by both together.

2. I am going to New York City with my good friend Jen this coming May and am really looking forward to it as we have never taken a trip together after all these years.

3. I am a neat freak just like my mother.

4. Over the last few of years, I have really come to love my job. I will have been working at Gateway Helicopters for almost ten full years.

5. I am not one to ask for help cause I usually like things done "my" way. Don't you know there is only one way to fold towels.

6. I have lived in 5 different Ontario towns/cities. (Thessalon, Sault Ste. Marie, Cochrane, Chatham and now North Bay)

7. I love the sport of curling. I played the sport my entire life but then stopped playing after I had my first child but still love to watch.

8. As I get older I feel like I have less and less patience (thanks Wayne)

9. The last couple of weeks I have been listening to "Hair Nation" channel 23 on Sirius Radio and love it. Oh, it brings back memories of high school.

10. In high school I assisted my brothers friend Denis in playing a joke on him. Once he found out it was me, he beat me up. It wasn't the first time or the last time he beat me up.

11. I rode around in a green comet with my good friend Jen.

12. Pretty Women is my all time favourite "girl movie".

13. Made several 1 to 1 1/2 hour trips to Windsor or London just to go to Red Lobster.

14. I love being a mom.

15. I realize that my daughter is just like me in a lot of ways....but will still deny it whenever my parents say, "Geez, I wonder where she gets that from".

16. There is a number of foods that I don't like but I wish I did because they look so good. (Eggs and Yogurt to name a couple)

17. I am going to be 35 this summer and can't believe that I am that much closer to 40. Is that not just insane. But I was once told that 40 is the new 30 so I don't feel too bad.

18. I wished I lived closer to my parents so we could visit more often.

19. I am #14 of 25 grandchildren on my mom's side of the family.

20. My brother and I would make cookie dough when our parents were out and would eat it raw until it was gone.

21. I used to hide peas under the rim of my plate when my mom made me stay at the table until they were all gone.

22. I love listening to music....really loud. I also tend to sing to myself while driving in my car.

23. I have lots of BFF's, just ask anyone that was at my wedding.

24. Will sometimes find myself watching Hannah Montana when my daughter isn't even in the room anymore and actually liking it.

25. I love to scrapbook. The thought of creating something for my children for them to cherish as they grow up really inspires me. I just wish I had more time to do it.

That was fun...

1 comment:

SC said...

I hear ya on #22... do it all the time, and think I am actually a pretty good singer until PC brings me back to reality when I try to repeat my performance at home!

And the cookie dough thing... too funny! Erin used to make us coffee and take raspberries from the freezer to eat... until I got sick one day off the combo and puked all over the carpet (her secret was out then!).