February 18, 2009

All I Want for Christmas is.....a Wii

This past Christmas I kept asking Leah want she wanted from Santa and she told me a Wii faithfully everytime I asked. I was against getting a Wii because I thought that for sure Chris would be on it all the time and that is definitely something I didn't want. I stuck to my guns each and every time Leah would say that she wanted a Wii. "We are not getting a Wii".

I played the Wii at my friend's place a few times and it is a lot of fun I won't deny that, but I just didn't think we would have time for "video games" as I thought it to be.

Until one day...I played Rock Band at my Christmas Party. I fell in love with Rock Band. I loved playing the guitar. My friend (or Santa) was getting Guitar Hero World Tour (pretty much the same as Rock Band) for their Wii and all through the Christmas holidays I would head over to her place to play GH.

So there we were, playing the guitar and drums more than the kids. Everytime the kids would ask if it was their turn, the answer was quickly, "after the next song" which turned into two or three more each time they asked. They loved the fact that we were rockin' cause out of the mouths of babes came "Our Moms ROCK"!

Sooooooooooooo, you guessed it, I wanted to get a Wii! I looked high and low, all over the city for a Wii between Christmas and New Years and into the beginning of January, but to no avail. It also helped that Chris won a football pool which put "free (or Wii) money" in our pockets.

The first weekend of January the kids and I were out at a friend's place for a playdate and I was mentioning to her that I had been looking EVERYWHERE for a Wii. She just happened to have two Wii Consoles that she bought over Christmas knowing that someone would be looking for one. So there I was, stunned as can be coming home with a Wii from a get together at a friend's house (which we now have nicknamed Penny-Mart).

The next day I packed the entire family in the vehicle to look for Rock Band or Guitar Hero and came home happier than a pig in shit. There I was rocking the GH (with my 6 year old) and lovin' every minute of it. The only thing is Chris has no interest in "rockin" with me so I now find myself "rockin" alone. I am such a loser, but it is soooo fun. I might add that I got my first 100% today.

We have since also purchased Wii Fit, which is A LOT of fun and highly recommended for all ages, a couple of sports games and another package of games for Leah to play.

So we are one happy family which now has a Wii....so much for stickin' to my guns.

Do you have a Wii? Which other games would you recommend?

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