March 17, 2009

"One Month from today....."

One month from today will be Leah's 7th birthday. She is really looking forward to this one more so than any others so far. I am not sure why, maybe I should ask her.....stay tuned.

  • My question: "Why are you sooo excited for your birthday this year?" (as she saunters into the kitchen)
  • Her answer: "So I can finally be with my older friends at the Y and 7 just seems so much older than 6."

I think that she thinks that when she is 7 she will be able to do so much more. Something that she really wants to do is walk to school. This is something that I struggle with even though we live close to the school. Like really, she is only in grade one...for goodness sake. Back in September when the issue of her not being able to take the bus anymore, I told her that maybe "when she is 7" and "it is Spring" that I would consider letting her walk to school. The last couple of days she has been reminding me of that...probably because the weather has turned so nice and her birthday is "only one month away".

On the weekend we also took her training wheels off her bike. No choice this summer...if she wants to ride her bike she will have to learn to ride it without the training wheels...another instance of "being older".

She has been saying that she is "six and three quarters" now since January and with her birthday only being "one month away", she wants to know "what do I say now?"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Leeanne, I am having the same problem with the walking to school "all by myself" thing....Tyra just turned 8 and I still get someone to walk her and we live so close.....Oh the fun things of growing up...