March 26, 2009

This and That

I feel like I haven't blogged in such a long time. My March Break....Madness post seems like such a cop out for someone who had a week off last week. It is funny how you have all these things that you can do or want to get done, and so many other things seem to take over.

Anywhoo, here goes a hopefully successful attempt at a blog post.

So, I am going to consider the March Break and my week off as a 50/50 success. On one side of things, I think I managed to keep Leah busy enough that she wasn't screaming out bordem too much. Like previously mentioned, we went sliding, shopping, and a trip to Science North. We also had a playdate with friends and we even went to open swim at the YMCA.

Now on the other side, the things that I wanted to get done around the house, never really got done. I managed to keep the house fairly tidy (it wasn't too hard cause Chris was away this whole time), and cook a few good meals for the kids, one of which I even took out the BBQ. The one thing that I really wanted to accomplish was a spring cleaning of my closet. I am about half done, and I feel this has been quite a success thus far. Before I went on holidays, I saw a little tidbit about closet cleaning and it inspired me to get this done. They were saying on it that if you haven't worn a piece of clothing in a year, to get it out. The more clothes that you have hanging in your closet, the less likely you are to wear them because you can't even see them. Your hangers should be free flowing so you can see everything. This is the half of the project that I tackled on the weekend. The other half, folded sweaters etc. is on my list of things to do this coming weekend. For the past few years we have been taking our unwanted/too small for the kids clothing to a local consignment shop and have been quite successful with that. So next week, we will get together all of our spring/summer items and unload it at the shop. With a large load we are usually good for about $80-$100 back.

Work this week has been quite stressful. With the economy the way it is, the company I work for is having to restructure. Although it is hard to come into work everyday right now, I am very thankful to still have my job. I have been a loyal employee now for 10 years, so it is difficult to deal with change. I am trying to stay as positive as I can right now and hope that all is well in the end. I am hoping that my positivity can rub off on my fellow employees so we can make it through these tough times together. Fingers crossed.

Well considering I am at work right now, I should get at 'er. Take care all and enjoy the remainder of the month of March.

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