April 17, 2009

Busy Busy

This past week or so has been quite a busy one for us here in North Bay. There has been lots of changes for me at work. Good changes, crazy changes, confusing changes, but all in all things at work are going well. Lots of things to tackle, but I am definitely up for these new challenges.

Last weekend we also splurged at bit and bought two new televisions for the house. I have been wanting a new "get with the times" tv for the living room for some time now, but I was having a hard time convincing Chris of this. I know most of you will find that hard to believe, but you heard me correctly, the wife having to convince the husband to purchase electronics. Weird I know. It gets better! I finally have Chris convinced to buy a new tv and if he doesn't want to buy two. SCORE! So last Thursday, we went out and bought a 42" Plasma for the living room and a 32" LCD for the bedroom. Love them! We ordered up the HDTV for our veiwing pleasure and we got it all hooked up yesterday. We also got a new home computer this week as well. It has been technology overload at the Dawsons that is for sure.

Amongst all this excitement add in Easter, Caleb's 3rd birthday, Leah's 7th, and my parents and Granny are currently enroute for a visit this weekend. CRAZY! We are celebrating the kids birthdays this weekend with my family and also having a shopping spree party for Leah and a few of her friends on Sunday. Now just when you think that all this mayhem should be wrapping up on Sunday, we have to prepare for Chris and Leah's trip to Lethbridge on April 23rd.

I know that this post is a short one and it has taken me a while to actually sit down and find the time to blog, but here ya go. I will also post some pictures from the kids birthday celebrations as well, when I get a chance. Hopefully it won't be a long time coming.

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